Thursday, January 12, 2012


    What’s going on?

I’ll tell you what’s going on. Finals.  And it’s making me go crazy. No joke, so I think I am going to just express my feelings by blogging them. Well… That and I will post some pictures for you guys.

So first things first. I just had to write a paper for my English class and my paper was about “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” and I’ll tell you what. That was definitely not fun. But I think I got a good grade on it so it makes it all worth it in the end!  
  (I don't love writing papers about Huck Finn)

Now the thing about finals that is so horrible is that they are B.O.R.I.N.G. end of discussion. Well there’s that and the fact that you have to study so stinking hard for those things. But that’s all I am going to say about finals right now. Now moving on to happier things. 

I had a blast with my sister who stopped by for the holidays and we did a lot of things including, crafts, rooftop trips, and shopping but i had a blast doing it all!  
Rooftop sunset
Rooftop moon
crafts and such
and of course downtown shopping!

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